How to apply
>>Procedure of filling form is listed below.
1 Application for :- Select course which you want to applying .
2 Language :- Select prefered language.
3 Applicant Name :- Write applicant name, which is want to apply.
4 Father's Name :- Write applicant father's name.
5 Mother's Name :- Write applicant mother's name.
6 Category :- Select category like General(GEN), OBC,SC,ST.
7 Gender :- Select Gender like male , female.
8 Birth Date :- Select Day , Month , Year of your date of birth.
9 Correspondence Address :- Write applicant address.
10 Pincode :- Write pincode of address.
11 City :- Write City like eg: New Delhi.
12 State :- Select State in which city situated.
13 Mobile :- Write mobile for further refrence.
14 Email Id :- Write correct email id for confermation of registration.
15 Last Qualified Degree :- Select Last Greater qualification avilable.
16 Details :- Write qualification details in appropriate box.
17 Security Check :- It is a validation for applicant which is submitting the form. write words of avilable picture in below box.
18 After filling all fields click on submit button.
you will get registration number and a copy will sended to your emailid.
save/print copy of appliction and receipt for refrence and confarmation.
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